
Try our deepfake detector with your work email
Is this real?
TrueMedia.Org detected substantial evidence of manipulation.
Highly Suspicious
Highly Suspicious
Disclaimer: TrueMedia.Org uses both leading vendors and state-of-the-art academic AI methods. However, errors can occur.
Voice cloning or generation
Highly Suspicious
100% confidence
AI Generated Audio Detection
The model detects AI generated audio.
Highly Suspicious
98% confidence
Advanced Foundational Features
Detects AI-synthesized audio using a larger foundation model trained over more diverse data than the foundational audio model.
Highly Suspicious
94% confidence
Audio Analysis
Analyzes audio for indications that it was generated by an AI audio generator.
Highly Suspicious
72% confidence
Foundational Features
Detects AI-synthesized audio.
Generation or manipulation of faces
Highly Suspicious
91% confidence
Generative Convolutional Vision Transformer
Analyzes video for visual artifacts and uses latent data distribution to detect AI manipulation.
Highly Suspicious
88% confidence
Face Manipulation
Detects potential AI manipulation of faces present in images and videos, as in the case of face swaps and face reenactment.
Highly Suspicious
81% confidence
Face Blending
Face blending is a process where AI takes two or more images and creates a new composite facial image.
Highly Suspicious
80% confidence
Deepfake Face Detection
Visual detection models localize an object of interest in a video by returning a box that bounds that object. Any faces in the query are passed through an additional classification step to identify whether or not they are deepfakes.
Little Evidence
12% confidence
Distinguishes real faces from deepfake faces.
File type and size
Processing time
Time to analyze media
21m 57s
Analyzed on
When media was analyzed
Thu, Feb 29, 2024
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