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Substantial Evidence of Manipulation
WhatsApp Video 2024-07-09 at 10.10.20.mp4 verdict: substantial evidence of manipulation.
Verified by human analyst
Substantial Evidence
Substantial Evidence
Disclaimer: uses both leading vendors and state-of-the-art academic AI methods. However, errors can occur.
Voice cloning or generation
Substantial Evidence
100% confidence
Voice Anti-Spoofing Analysis
Analyzes audio for evidence that it was created by an AI audio generator.
Substantial Evidence
100% confidence
AI-Generated Audio Detector
Detects AI-generated audio.
Substantial Evidence
100% confidence
Voice Biometric and Voiceprinting Analysis
Analyzes audio for evidence that it was created by an AI generator or cloning.
Substantial Evidence
99% confidence
Audio Authenticity Detector
Analyzes audio for evidence that it was created by an AI generator or cloning.
Little Evidence
8% confidence
Audio Foundation Model Detector
Detects AI-generated audio using a foundation audio model that has been trained on a vast amount of data such as speech, music, and environmental sounds.
Generation or manipulation of faces
Substantial Evidence
100% confidence
Face Manipulation Detector
Detects potential AI manipulation of faces present in images and videos, as in the case of face swaps and face reenactment.
Substantial Evidence
93% confidence
Video Facial Analysis
Analyzes video frames for unusual patterns and discrepancies in facial features.
File type and size
Processing time
Time to analyze media
2m 48s
Analyzed on
When media was analyzed
Tue, Jul 9, 2024